My little pony applejack crying
My little pony applejack crying

my little pony applejack crying

Bouncy, that is impressive! I'd love to meet them. Fluttershy: You have forty-two grandchildren? Well, Mr. Fluttershy: Aren't you just the softest thing.

my little pony applejack crying

Fluttershy: A goat on a boat? Now I've seen everything. Rest of the Equestria Girls: Rarity: Oh! Rainbow Dash: What is it? Evil magic? Rarity: A GPS alert! We're in international waters! Rainbow Dash: WAll except Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie: Ooh! Honey walnut crisp! Candy-coated cupcakes! Banana sorbet delight! Triple Choco-Berry Blasted Butter Biscuit Bundt Cake?! I waited my whole life to taste a cake like this! NOOOOO!! Puffed Pastry: Excusez moi, mademoiselle, how about one fresh from ze oven? Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash: Hee-yah! Pinkie Pie: CAKE OVERBOARD! Puffed Pastry: Mon gâteau! Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash: You saw it. We're all very thankful for the chance to relax and do absolutely nothing. Rainbow Dash: Which we then uncalaminated, like literal awesome superheroes! Rarity: Twilight, this is a most deserved respite. having to battle Equestrian magic for a change? Applejack: We couldn't even spend the day at Equestria World without creatin' a calamity. Rest of the Equestria Girls: Twilight Sparkle: I was hoping we could do something without. Is the sea monster okay in the story? Rainbow Dash: Better than okay! She's our friend now! Best spring break ever! Sunset Shimmer: Or we could do. Rainbow Dash: I've gotta hand it to ya, you really have an eye for climactic battle settings! Rest of the Equestria Girls except Sunset: Huh? Rainbow Dash: Imagine, going head to head with a sea monster by the pool! Rainbow Dash: Ka-chow! Evil Equestrian magic fills up the diving pool! The boat's sinking! Everyone's screaming! Rainbow Dash: And then we save the day! Fluttershy: Oh. Sunset Shimmer: Thank you for organizing this trip, Twilight. eat all you can eat at? Pinkie Pie: Twilight, this cruise has everything! And a moving floor! Applejack: I think I may have forgotten to pack my sea legs. Twilight Sparkle: Did you see there's a petting zoo onboard? Pinkie Pie: Mmmm! Smoothies! Twilight Sparkle: And an all-you-can-eat buffet you can.

#My little pony applejack crying full

Oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh You are my Equestria Girls You turn the light switch on It brightens up my day like the sun When my friends come a-runnin' You were right all along That together we're always better We could turn a sketch into a masterpiece When you're here, I feel like I'm complete You are my Equestria Girls! Pinkie Pie: Spring break! Pinkie Pie: Spring break! Spriiiiiiiiiing breeeeeeeeeeak! Twilight Sparkle: "Welcome aboard the Lux DeLuxe, where you'll set sail for a full week of luxurious luxuriating on our most deluxe luxury liner!" Fluttershy: Ooh! Sounds luxurious.

My little pony applejack crying